blog 6

The 3 Questions That Reveal Your SEO’s Effectiveness

Any savvy Toronto online marketing or IT consultant can explain exactly what goes into a well-constructed, results-driven search engine optimization (SEO) strategy.

The most candid, learned ones will break down, in everyday language, exactly how an optimized website focused on engaging, quality content and targeted keyword relevance will bolster your brand’s online presence and strap a rocket to your revenue’s back.

Every IT Solution’s Toronto SEO experts prefer to extend your knowledge base just one step further: we want you to see and understand for yourself the signs that the SEO strategy that either you or your paid consulting paid team has formulated is driving your business forward. We believe that asking yourself these three questions and being blunt with the answers will tell you plenty that you need to know, and maybe even what you can do to further your headway going forward…

  • Where do I rank in searches, compared with where I want to rank?

Ultimately, maxing out your search-ranking potential will demonstrate fairly conclusively just how effectively you’ve planned and executed your SEO. If you’ve targeted the most beneficial, high-value keywords, then ranking at or near the head of the search results will begin driving a noticeable stream of traffic to your site.

If your site tops the keyword searches you’ve targeted but you haven’t experienced a rush of traffic and sales, then it’s entirely possible your SEO movement has centered on the wrong searches. Make the best of automated tools that can automatically track, break down and analyze your rankings. Don’t rely solely on algorithms alone, though. Your consulting team should be providing you with steady input and analysis of their own, complete with forward-thinking recommendations.

  • How many people are viewing my site?

Remember, definitively successful SEO yields a swell of organic search results and ensuing site visits. If prospective customers aren’t seeing your front page, then there’s a very good chance they aren’t looking at anything else on your site.

Make the best of Google analytics feedback. Sit down with your SEO consultants – or, if you’re not working with anyone as yet, contact Every IT Solution for a free consultation – and digest how many pages your site’s users view per visit, how long they linger on your domain, and the frequency of your bounce rates. Additionally, pursuing fresh keyword focuses may broaden your content and further extend your traffic. Be frank with yourself about your traffic, and proceed accordingly.

Your site may benefit from a revamp if Google Analytics regularly reports a high bounce rate paired with few average pages per visit and visit durations. The SEO strategy you’ve employed may not be providing much value per the keyword’s buck.

  • Is my SEO converting my visitors into paying customers?

Well, this is the name of the game, isn’t it? It’s the decisive bottom-line indicator of your SEO’s success or failure.

Proceed with your SEO crusade with concrete sales ambitions firmly cemented. Set lead and sale-tracking goals, then keep an eye toward how your business progresses toward them. Google Analytics can help you traffic this, in relation to your traffic sources. Even if visitors aren’t buying, downloads, social network sharing and other metrics can tell you plenty about your conversion progress.

We Want To Help…

We produce our greatest results among Toronto’s IT and online marketing field by working with well-informed clients, so contact an Every IT Solution representative today to speak to us, free of charge, about how we can be a part of your business’ growth. We want you to understand how our comprehensive, individualized SEO strategies can help your business expand its online presence and convert it into growing sales. Contact an Every IT Solution representative today to speak to us, free of charge, about how we can be a part of your business’ growth.

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