blog 17

Engaging the User Organically

Engaging the User Organically

Some of the common disappointments that are faced by businesses are that they don\’t get enough likes, shares or comments on their posts. Businesses spend huge amount boosting ads on Facebook/Instagram & other social medias but results are not engaging enough. Why? and How can we improve?

This blog will show you how to engage your potential users to turn their heads at least once and take an action on your posts. So let\’s take a live example of what was shared on Facebook  post not too long ago. You can click on the post to actually see what was asked of the user.

Let\’s go on to the results of this post:

  • Organically 4,635 reach so far and will continue reaching more…
  • 76 Organic shares by the people…
  • 228 Likes & comments…

No money was spent to reach that audience. So why and how did people click and got involved. Answer is simple. Ask? Ask them a question involving the user for his/her opinion. Let them know that their voice counts and that it can help you in your decision making process.  Other ways getting user involved:

  • Ask for suggestions
  • Ask for opinion
  • Create Surveys
  • Create Polls ask for their vote
  • Give options

Increase your likes

Scenario from above now that you have 226 likes on your posts, how do you turn that into potential customers.  Invite them on to your page via mobile or browser. Click on the like button on that particular post that is if you are the admin of that page and then click \”Invite\” button next to each member. Now that they are part of your page, every time you post something on social media they will get to see it.

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